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Friday, March 25, 2011

Ways To Prevent Cyber Bullying :)

What is Cyberbullying? It is the practice of posting or sending harfmul messages or texts via email, the internete, instant messaging, chat rooms, and networking tips. 

1. Tell students never to pass along harmful or cruel messages or curel images. 
2. Train students to delete suspicious emails. Advise them NOT to open them.
3. Ask students to step up to friends who are being Cyberbullying and tell them to stop doing what they are doing.
4. Teach student's how to block communication. So bullies will not target them. 
5. Parents/Teachers should teach students/children about the importance of reporting bullying. 
6. Parent's NEED to monitor their kids' use of the internet.
7. School's need to address the severity of Cyberbullying and they need to express the importance of reporting issues. 

Although these steps may not fully prevent Cyberbullying it will cut down on the severity. Everyone needs to be aware of the consequences and should start following these steps to prevent bullying.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Boy Body-Slams Bully

        Have you heard about that boy from Australia that was being bullied and decided to put an end to it once and for all? Casey Heynes has been suffering with bullying for years and he has had enough of it. As shown in the video Casey is backed up against a wall while a younger boy is punching him several times. Casey has had enough of it and decides that he wants to fight back. Casey ends up body slamming the bully. Both of the boys got suspended for a duration of four days.

        I think that it was not wrong of Casey Heynes to defend himself from his bully. His father stated that he is bullied everyday and the things children do to him is not nice. I don't believe that Casey should have been suspended because, he was not the one that put out the first hit. He was just defending himself from the bully because, he did not want to get hurt.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bill That Would Make Schools Report Bullying Of Disabled Children To Federal Government

  Today when I was searching for an article to base my post on I came about an interesting article on bullying of disabled children. The article discussed how the Department of Education is trying to crack down on the bullying issues that they have been having at their schools on a daily basis. Congress has stepped in and has been working together on a huge controversy known as the "Washington's War on Bullying." Their has been a new bill brought forth that is aimed at kids that have disabilities and are getting bullied at school as well as over the Internet. Jackie Spier who is a California Democrat has put forth a bill that introduces requirements for schools to report incidents of bullying against children diagnosed with conditions such as Down syndrome and Aspergers to the Federal Government. The bill is also requiring that all of the anti-bullying programs that are supported by Federal Government need to be used to focus on bullying of disabled children.

  My first reaction when reading this article was that it is about time that the Federal Government takes some steps to cut down on some bullying. I see kids everyday being put down of their mental disabilities. It is not there fault that they have to live with a disability all of there life. They don't need someone making fun of them everyday for the problems that they have to deal with for the rest of their lives. I am so happy to see that their has been a bill put forth that are going to report cases of bullying! It is about time!  

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cyber Bullying Needs To Stop!

Did you know that nearly 42% of all kids have been bullied in some form over the Internet? That is quiet a shocking percentage. It makes me sad to know that not only are kids bullying in school but they are bullying outside of school as well. Can't these kids that are being bullied ever get a break?! The sad part is that a majority of those kids being bullied are being ignored and not being helped. Cyber bullying not only hurts you emotionally but, it hurts you physically as well.

Many, have committed suicide because, they think that is the only way to end any type of bullying. I think back to Alexis from New York who took her life because, of Cyber bullying on the Internet. After her death a bill was made which was aimed at preventing Cyber bullying on the Internet. Over fifteen states have decided on passing a law that would ban any form of bullying.

I think that all schools and states need to pass a law that would prohibit bullying because, it would put a stop of a lot of the suicides that are happening in the world today. Schools wonder why kids don't want to come to school everyday? Well it is because, they are doing nothing to stop bullying in there schools. Schools are the ones to blame for so many bullying problems because, they are the authority and should be taking action to prevent it from happening. I have been bullied for seven years and it is a sad thing that the administration has done NOTHING to help stop it.

Facebook: New Anti-Bullying Tool

    Cyber bullying has become a major problem all across the United States. Facebook as well as Myspace
have become major sources of harassment and bullying. Cyber bullying is hard to detect and it can ruin a person not only mentally but physically as well. At a White House Conference For The Prevention Of Bullying Facebook has teamed up to prevent ways so Cyber bullying will become less of a problem in today's society. Facebook has successively found a way to report bullying.

     Reporting bullying on Facebook is quiet simple and doesn't take a lot of time. You simply go to the persons page that is bullying you and go to the reporting options interface. Within this interface there are multiple options that you can choose from. From the menu you can select to either block the person, send a private email, or report the person to facebook authorities. If you are going to report them to facebook you need to make sure that you have information to back up your information.

     I think that it is a great idea that Facebook is taking extra precautions to report and protect those that are being bullied. Facebook is the only social networking website that has taken these precautions to help protect everyone. I think that having a place to report foul behavior will cut down on Cyber bullying. It would be so nice to live in a world where there wasn't bullying or discrimination. Facebook is a genius for coming up with these safety precautions. They truly do care about there users.